

addtime:2022-11-15 click: 673

The Swiss trip of Trinx Factory Team to Radquer Hittnau, an international class C2 race, ended with the tenth place of Lucia Bramati, seventh among the Women Open, and the eleventh place of Valentina Corvi, fourth among the Junior Women. An appointment on a demanding track which represented the last test in view of the second part of the season, during which the focus will be on the World Cup rounds and the most important international events.

Races that will allow Luca Bramati's athletes to reach their best shape for the Italian Championship in Rome (14-15 January) and for the World Championships in Hoogerheide (4-5 February).
«Our path to these important appointments starts from Overijse, where next Sunday will be hosted the World Cup sixth round (live on Eurosport at 1:30 pm)», says Lucia Bramati (in the photographs by Elisa Haumesser). «Competing against the best athletes will allow us to improve the shape and learn something important from them».

For the 19-year-old from Sandrigo it will be the second seasonal participation at the World Cup, after the break last summer due to school commitments.

«Last cyclocross year was really demanding, so I didn't feel like throwing myself into the Xco season. I preferred to stop and give priority to my school-leaving exams. It was strange to have Sundays off, just as it was unusual to stay at home with my grandparents while my parents were away with the team».

Strange just as the return to the competition in Cadoneghe on 2 October. 

 «I felt my lungs explode, the taste of blood in my mouth, my eyes bulging; in short, bad day. I had never stopped training, but the competitions are another thing».

Races that will now become increasingly close and demanding. 

«Sunday the one in Belgium, then the World Cup manche in Hulst (Holland). In December some Italian classics but above all, from December 26th to January 3rd, the journey in Belgium, where I’m going to join six races in nine days.This workload should let me reach the best leg speed».

The dates circled in red by the cross rider are two: the weekend of January the 14th, with the Italian championships in Rome, and February the 4th, the days of the World Cup in Hoogerheide.

«I have already raced on the Dutch track and I know how selective and demanding it is. We'll see how best we can get there: recently I've been working on my weaknesses, such as running, but in track like these the most important thing is to be strong and with a great shape». 

School commitments archived, Lucia Bramati has the opportunity to prepare the appointment in the best way.

«I decided to dedicate myself to cycling full time, both to understand if it's what I want to do for the next 15 years and to discover my limits. If I understand that it's not my road I can always go back, but I am comfortable in this new routine, for now».

Sport has always played an important role in Lucia’s life; and it could not have been otherwise, given the sporting curriculum of father Luca Bramati and mother Elena Merenti.

«My parents always wanted me to practice some sports, but they never forced me to do anything: when I was a child, I used to practice tennis, athletics, swimming. My love for cycling was passed on to me by Marco, my younger brother: he couldn't wait to be seven to be able to compete. His eagerness pushed me to compete, both in mtb and cross. For that I must be grateful to him».