

addtime:2022-06-14 click: 816


Thanks to the performances of Eva LechnerGiorgia Marchet and Noemi PlankensteinerTrinx Factory Team comes back from the Austrian World Cup round with the fourth place in the team ranking regarding the women's categories. 

 This is the most striking result of the weekend in Leogang, where Eva Lechner was able to two great races, both ended in 17th places: Friday in the short track, Sunday in the Olympic cross country. Two solid performances by the 36-years-old biker (in Maxime Schmid’s photographe): Eva was able to adapt on the tough austrian track, in short track, when she went the distance with a great comeback, but also in Xco race, in which the bolzanina turned with impressive regularity.

Different race for Giorgia Marchet, who tried to stay with the best athletes in the first three laps, paying the effort in the finale and slipping to 21st place. But Leogang has shown that Giorgia has the quality to stay among the top 20 athletes in the world, as happened in the short track on Friday, a race that Giorgia does not like, although she was able to end in 19th position. 

In men's races, Gioele Bertolini's weekend was consistent. The italian biker finished close to the top 24 the short track race (placement that would have granted him a third row start in Sunday's Olympic cross country); while during xco races Gioele was able to climb up to 21st place, did a il valtellinese
con una condotta di gara attenta è risalito fino alla 21° piazza, showing off a good race pace from the first to the last lap (in the photo by Maxime Schmid,
Gioele beats Thomas Litscher in the sprint).

Good performance for Noemi Plankensteiner too. The 19-year-old in Austria finished in 14°place in U23 category, fifth among the athletes born in 2003; a step forward comparing the two first world cup round in Albstadt and Nove Mesto.

Speaking about athletes in their first season in U23, Filippo Agostinacchio ended his race in 50th position.

«Leogang track was really demanding, but our athletes did well confirming their growth», sport director Luca Bramati said. «Gioele had a great pace, he only needed a bit of a power to enter in the top20 again. Eva has come back on her level, while Giorgia tried to follow the first group, paying for the effort in the second half of the race». Mention for Noemi Plankensteiner. «She was in her third presence in a World Cup event and, without a fall, she could have compete for her first top 10. However, we close in fourth place in the women's team rankings, ahead of international squad».

In addition to the results in Austria, Trinx Factory Team also puts on its trophy board two national races thanks to the juniors Valentina Corvi and Fabio Bassignana: in Friuli Valentina won the 18° Trofeo Città di Gorizia; in Piemonte Fabio stormed to victory at Il sentiero del re, Piemonte Cup’s seventh round, in which took part Andrea Colombo, who ended in 7th position.